IGI’s Blueprint is an Inclusive Growth agenda with 50+ recommendations to create a visionary model for equitable development in New York City.

About the Inclusive Growth Initiative

The New York City Inclusive Growth Initiative (IGI) is a two-year project composed of an 18-person Steering Committee representative of the diversity of New York City. Convened and facilitated by the New York City Employment and Training Coalition (NYCETC), the Association for Neighborhood & Housing Development (ANHD) and Regional Plan Association (RPA), this Steering Committee developed an Inclusive Growth Blueprint for the future of economic development, workforce development and affordable housing to prioritize infrastructure and development projects that proactively address long standing disparities and meet the material needs of New Yorkers, especially the communities that are usually left out of the decision-making process.

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Why This Matters

New York City’s economy faces new challenges in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Chief among them is how to mitigate the burdens of economic fallout while ensuring that recovery policies geared toward economic development, workforce training, and affordable housing contribute to a truly equitable recovery. Previous recoveries have entrenched inequities in New York City and failed to help those who truly need it the most. The group argues that only such an inclusive approach centered around the needs and ideas of people of color, immigrants, and everyday New Yorkers who drive our workforce and sustain our communities will allow for equitable and sustainable growth.

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What We're Doing

The IGI Steering Committee created 50+ recommendations for inclusive and equitable systems of economic growth in New York City. The Steering Committee members met multiple times through July 2021 to craft a first-of-its-kind agenda for the next Mayor and the incoming City Council to change the way development is done, envisioning the three core pillars to represent values and mechanisms of inclusive growth. The Steering Committee will actively urge the next mayoral administration and other newly elected officials to implement an agenda reflective of their recommendations in the first 100 days in office.

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Who We Are

The New York City Inclusive Growth Initiative is an 18-person steering committee who represent the diversity of New York City. They were selected based on their academic, professional and lived experiences, interest in local policy and systemic change, passion and connection to key NYC issue areas, and to the city itself. They come from all five boroughs and represent and reflect our immigrant communities, single parents, small business owners, educators, queer communities, veterans, labor unions, individuals with disabilities, NYCHA residents, and the SUNY and CUNY systems. Leveraging their unique New York viewpoint and love of this city, they will help to address persistent economic, social and racial inequities magnified by the Covid-19 pandemic by offering a new vision for how economic policy decisions are made and delivered.

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